One time I walked in on my wife while she was masturbating. She was horribly embarrassed and I was incredibly turned on. I begged her to keep going and once she loosened up she really got into it. Having me watch her added to the excitement for her and the result was a mind blowing orgasm that we both thoroughly enjoyed.
If you enjoy watching lovely ladies play with themselves, you’ll want to take advantage of this $10 off discount to I Feel Myself. You’ll get to watch as gorgeous amateur cuties that are mostly Caucasian and in their late teens and early twenties play with themselves. You won’t have to worry about scripts or a bunch of talking, these hotties get right to the point. They’re told to do whatever feels good to them so you know all the orgasms are authentic. The camera gets in close you’ll get a front row seat to every pulsation and twitch. These babes may look sweet and innocent, but the things going through their minds would prove you wrong.